Terms of Use

The website www.sifigroup.fr is SIFI France’s property, TVA FR 72837558451, with registered office in 8 Rue des Grandes Terres 92500 Rueil-Malmaison © Copyright 2020 SIFI France.
These conditions of use apply to all content made available to the user in the portal www.sifigroup.fr and constitute the entire agreement between the user and SIFI France regarding the use of this website and its contents.
All material published on this website (including artwork, graphics, photographs, images, screens, text, downloadable files, videos, trademarks, logos, product names, slogans) are SIFI France’s property and are protected by intellectual property rights, in accordance with the laws of France regarding the protection of copyright.
Access to the website via the URL www.sifigroup.fr does not give the user the right to take possession of the information contained therein, nor to reproduce, modify, distribute, republish, in any form, even partial, and in any manner whatsoever without the express written consent of SIFI France.
SIFI France reserves the right to update, amend, integrate and/or delete the contents of this website at any time, including these Conditions of Use.

All changes to the Conditions of Use will become effective at the time they are published on this website. The access or use of the website following the updating of the Conditions of Use constitutes acceptance of those updated conditions.

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